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Some of the information you will be providing us may indicate or imply information about your past, present, or future health conditions, including Product Interests, Individual Health Conditions, Treatments and Diseases and Reproductive and Sexual Health Information. We will use your Consumer Health Data to provide you products and services, deliver relevant advertising and otherwise in accordance with the Processing Purposes in the P&G Consumer Health Data Privacy Policy. Your Consumer Health Data will be shared with our processors who assist us in providing goods and services to you and for other legal and business operational purposes as outlined in the Disclosures section of the P&G Consumer Health Data Privacy Policy. Visit our Consumer Health Data Preference Center at any time to withdraw your consent.
This Consumer Health Data may also be considered Sensitive Personal Data under some privacy laws. You consent to our collection of this information and agree that we may use it to send you information and advertising about relevant products. You have read and you agree to the P&G Terms and Conditions, P&G Consumer Health Data Privacy Policy and P&G Privacy Policy.

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